Managing funds that you wish to keep in Digby and the surrounding area.
​Take pride in your present and future health care
It's all about creating and maintaining a healthy community for now and future generations.
The Digby Area Health Service Charitable Foundation held the 6th Annual Richard Ellis Memorial Golf Tournament on Thursday September 23, 2021 at the Digby Pines Golf Course.
The sun shone down, allowing for a beautiful day on the course! 21 teams took part in the tournament including putting challenges, longest drive, closest to the hole and a-hole in one contest.
Afterwards, the golfers attended a dinner followed by a live and silent auction. We would like to thank our special guests J.P. Bordeleau, Anne Balser and David Andrews for attending.
$15,000 was raised at this years tournament, that will go to the purchase of a new Bladderscan Unit for the Digby General Hospital Emergency Department.
Thank you to all the teams and sponsors for your continued support of the DAHSCF as we strive to maintain present and future health services in the Digby Community.
Winners of the:
Longest Drive:
Female: Anne Balser / Male: Fletcher Hicks
Closest to the Hole:
Female: Wendy Balser / Male: Doug Brown
Team Winners:
1st Place: Scallop Shell (54)
2nd Place: Digby Marine (55)
3rd Place: Shoal Water Seafoods (56)