Managing funds that you wish to keep in Digby and the surrounding area.
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It's all about creating and maintaining a healthy community for now and future generations.
The 5th Annual Richard Ellis Memorial Golf Tournament
The 5th Annual Richard Ellis Memorial Golf Tournament, held at the Digby Pines Golf Course on Wed. June 26th, 2019, was an amazing success!
A huge thank you to the following for their generous support: The Ellis Family, The Digby Pines management and staff, all the Foundation and event volunteers, all the corporate and local business sponsors, Golf teams, individual players and celebrity golfers, and those who donated to the silent auction and Pre-tournament Hockey Fundraiser.
The event raised over $17,000.00. These funds will go directly to help in the purchase of a new BiPAP Breathing Assistance Machine for the Digby General Emergency Department.
Thanks again to everyone involved in this great event!