Managing funds that you wish to keep in Digby and the surrounding area.
​Take pride in your present and future health care
It's all about creating and maintaining a healthy community for now and future generations.

The Digby & Area Health Service Charitable Foundation was established to manage funds for the purpose of maintaining present and future health services within the Digby area.
The Digby & Area Health Service Charitable Foundation has identified as a strategic priority the recruitment of registered nurses to the Digby Area who have completed bachelor of nursing degree.
A special endowment fund has been established to provide a scholarship annually to a student pursuing a Bachelor of Nursing (or equivalent) degree from an accredited Canadian university. Three scholarships for $5,000 are available annually to pay for a portion of the annual tuition for a student, resident of Atlantic Canada, entering or already enrolled in a Registered Nursing program. The scholarship may be renewable for up to three additional years with proof of acceptance and academic excellence to proceed to the next year of studies.
As a condition of acceptance, the applicant must commit to provide one year of nursing services in the Digby Area for each year the scholarship is received (services to begin within five years of graduation from university).
Scholarships are for tuition only. Applications will be accepted throughout the year.
Only complete applications will be considered by the Grants Committee. To ensure your application package is complete, the following items are required:
Applicant must be a resident of Atlantic Canada
Latest Curriculum Vitae
Proof of acceptance or current enrollment in an Accredited Medical School in Canada
Official Transcript of most recent academic record
Photo (headshot)
Letter of intent/motivation, which should include, but is not restricted to responses to the following:
What attracted you to the Digby & Area Health Service Charitable Foundation?
Why do you want to practice in Digby, Nova Scotia?
What external pressures do nursing students face (outside academics) that can be mitigated and how does our Foundation help?
What will the Digby & Area Health Service Charitable Foundation do to facilitate your nursing studies?
The Grants Committee will not consider incomplete applications; all documentation must be received as one package. Applications will be accepted throughout the year.
Applicants who wish to re-apply for their scholarship, must complete the process and provide the same documentation EACH YEAR they wish to receive a scholarship.
Apply by email to: digbyfoundation@eastlink.ca
Or by Mail at:
Grants Committee
c/o Digby & Area Health Service Charitable Foundation
75 Warwick Street
P.O. Box 820
Digby, NS
B0V 1A0