Managing funds that you wish to keep in Digby and the surrounding area.
​Take pride in your present and future health care
It's all about creating and maintaining a healthy community for now and future generations.
2022 NEWS
DAHSCF donates $2500 to the Digby Community Gardens
Have you seen the Community Garden? If you lack the space to garden at home, or don’t know how to garden and would like to learn the community garden is the place to go! Plots are available to rent in this beautiful space behind the ball field, off of Church Street. Check out their Facebook page for updates, workshops, volunteer opportunities! Support local!
The goal of the Digby Seniors' Safety Society is to educate seniors on crime prevention, health and wellness, and to promote safe and independent living. Follow their Facebook page for updates and live feeds for Community Activities, Fraud Protection Tips and much more!
DAHSCF is proud to support the Digby Seniors’ Safety Society
DAHSCF is proud to support Digby Area Recreation
The Digby and Area Health Service Charitable Foundation is proud to support the Digby & Area Recreation Commission with many of the wonderful programs offered to encourage all ages to get out there and be active all year round!
Follow the DARC Facebook page for updates and new programs!